The Northern Buckeye Education Council PLG just dropped their new training catalog! 🚀 40 sessions, including 9 on AI. Check it out: https://www.nwoca.org/page/plg-training-catalog #EdTech #AI #ProfessionalLearning

Eric West has posted his latest Bit-O-Tech! This edition covers a Chrome trick for splitting windows, the educational site ExplainThatStuff, Google Forms updates, and how Mozart's music may boost math learning. Check it out! 🔗 bit-o-tech.blogspot.com

Eric West has posted his latest Bit-O-Tech newsletter to the Northern Buckeye Website tips on using google tools and much much more. https://www.nwoca.org/article/1580122

John Mansel-Pleydell has published a new Tech for Today article on "Bringing History to Life with AI Chatbots" you can find it on our Northern Buckeye homepage.

Eric West has published his latest Bit-O-Tech for March 2024 on the Northern Buckeye Website. Animated drawings, Goblin Tools and Google Tasks Calendar integration are all featured. https://www.nwoca.org/article/1530063

Northern Buckeye Education Council in association with the Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (AMC) presents an infographic with date from the Manufacturing Days 2023 events held at Northwest State Community College in October of 2023.

The latest Tech for Today article is available on our website. Katie Budas shares about the importance of play in learning and the tie in with STEAM and STEM.

Today the Professional Learning Group hosted several Northwest Ohio Art Teachers for a day of learning and collaboration.

The team from the Professional Learning Group (PLG) are excited to be presenting again this year at the ITIP Google Summit at Kalahari, Sandusky on May 15-17, 2023

The weather sure seems like Fall! October-like!

I am having fun learning to use Thrillshare!

Working with Apptegy to migrate our website over to Thrillshare. The transition is going well and we are eager to showcase our new site. Stay tuned!